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Let’s Talk 02 9058 5838

Suite 2.11, 11-13 Solent Circuit Norwest NSW 2153


Brokers want to diversify now more than ever

Brokers are looking at new ways to expand their revenue due to the shifting conditions of the financial landscape.

Synonymous with home loans, brokers are now looking at alternative ways to diversify their income stream as the industry experiences a lower demand for home loans.

Diversification has been encouraged by many industry experts for brokers to remain in a strong financial position. Flexibility and adaptability are crucial in ensuring the successful navigation of inevitable environmental changes.

Brokers must be cautious yet optimistic as consumer needs and the financial space change and evolve. As the economy contracts and expands so do the needs of the customers. There will be periods when they will have spending confidence and other times when they want to be conservative.

By recognising these changes, brokers can easily help their customers and offer relevant solutions. There are many things that customers will still need regardless of the economic climate, and brokers must be equipped to offer a wide range of financial products and services.

Diversifying into asset finance would be the most organic step to take. However, what if you don’t have time to gain direct accreditation or process asset finance deals?

You can outsource your asset finance with AFS and offer your clients leading motor vehicle and equipment finance. Our team will take care of the back-end processing and applications and you retain all interactions with your clients.

Advantages of diversifying into asset finance include:

  • Varied financial products to offer clients
  • An extra income stream
  • Add value to your existing business
  • Access a wide range of lenders which means more competitive deals
  • Strengthen and reinforce existing relationships with your clients whilst building rapport with new ones

Get in touch with the team today to start offering your clients asset finance!

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